Florida man declared innocent and freed after 35 years in Jail
James Bain, a Florida Citizen who was released after 35 years in Jail for the kidnapping and rape of a nine year old boy, after DNA tests proved that he was not guilty of the crime, has stated to reporters that he is "not angry" about the mistake made which cost him 30 years of his freedom.Bain was convicted and sentenced to Life at the age of 19 under charges of kidnapping, burglary and "strong-arm rape". As a reason for his not being angry, he said that he has "God in my head". He apppeared to reporters after his aquittal wearing a T-Shirt with the words "Not Guilty" emblazoned on the front.
To date, DNA testing has exonerated up to 250 people, but Mr. Bain is the person who has spent longest behind bars before his eventual aquittal and release (data obtained from the Innocence Project).
In Florida it has only been allowed to re-open a case in order to make DNA testing since 2001. Bain was only allowed this test after the fifth time that he submitted a hadnwritten motion, and then only after an appeal court ruled that he was entitled to the review.
At first, the Courts were expected to lay down some conditions for Bain's release because they had called for furhter extensive tests, which were made, but this was dropped because the tests were completed and presented early before the court hearing date. As he anulled the judgement, the judge is reputed to have said
"Mr. Bain, I'm now signing the order, sir, You are a free man. Congratulations" , and his Life sentence.
In the case leading to Bain's conviction, the victim Lake Wales,had told Law Enforcement authorities that his assailant had "Bushy sideburns and a moustache" The victim was then given five photos to look at and he picked Bain out from them.
The victim has apparenty been told about Bain proven innocence and subsequent release.
After leaving the courtrooms and being asked what he is going to do, he said "I am going to see my Mom" is Mothe has said that she is going to put her house and car in his name and that "My son has suffered enough"
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